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COVID-19 Travel Guidelines

COVID-19 Travel Guidelines


Vive l’expérience values safety and health during our trip programs. To that end, all Participants are highly encouraged to have a COVID-19 vaccination and any available boosters. Vive will continue to adapt COVID-19 guidelines based on recommendations from the CDC and country-specific regulations. 


Pre-departure: Any pre-travel testing required for entry to our destination must be completed by each Participant at their own cost. If any Participant tests positive prior to departure, they may be unable to travel if unable to satisfy CDC and country-specific regulations.


​​The CDC currently requires an individual who tests positive for COVID-19 to isolate for at least 5 days and to end isolation only: (i) after day 5 if the individual never developed any symptoms; (ii) after day 5 if symptoms are improving (i.e., fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication); or (iii) after day 10 if the individual had symptoms and moderate illness. Regardless of when isolation ends, the CDC guidance currently states that individuals should wear a high-quality mask through day 10 unless the individual receives two sequential negative tests 48 hours apart.


While traveling on program: Some country destinations and/or locations, venues, or activities may require proof of vaccine or mask-wearing for entry or participation. Vive encourages Participants to practice good hygiene including hand-washing and use of hand sanitizer as needed. Mask use is optional unless required by our destination, but may be recommended during indoor visits, crowded locations, and anywhere transmission is potentially high. 


Participants should inform Vive Trip Leaders of any COVID-related symptoms while traveling. The CDC recommends that individuals with a known or suspected exposure to COVID-19 wear a well-fitting mask or respirator around others for 10 days from their last exposure, regardless of vaccination status or history of prior infection.


If a Participant tests positive during the trip Program: Participants who test positive will isolate according to local or CDC guidelines if there are no local guidelines in place. Participants who test positive will isolate for 5 days and may rejoin the group on Day 6, wearing a mask until Day 10. The day the Participant tests positive or symptoms start (whichever is first), counts as day 0. Participants unable or unwilling to mask on Days 6-10 must provide two negative tests taken 48 hours apart, with the first test being taken on Day 6. Any testing requirements and/or extra costs associated with isolation will be at the Participant’s cost. Vive will assist Participants with contacting their travel insurance policy to arrange any necessary tests, treatment, etc.

Last updated November 26, 2023 

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