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Writer's pictureKaty Wheelock

Mois de la Francophonie

Vive l'expérience's 2024 Senegal teacher immersion programs are currently fully booked, but we are maintaining waitlists for anyone who might want to jump on the chance to travel this summer. You can sign up here. If you have questions, feel free to reach out.

Planning for Senegal in 2025: If you want to be the first to know about 2025 trips to Senegal, you can sign up here as a "pre-order" with no obligation. We intend to run two teacher groups and will announce dates soon!

Two smiling women at a francophone party in Washington DC
Katy & Louise Mushikiwabo at a Mois de la Francophonie event

Comment fêtez-vous le Mois de la Francophonie ce mars? Qu’est-ce que vous avez prévu pour le 20 mars, la Journée Internationale de la Francophonie? It’s also World Languages Week for many schools and institutions this week as well. International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 in the USA, UK, and Australia, and the entire month of March is International Women’s Month. These are great ways to celebrate and learn about Senegalese women and a natural continuation Black History Month. Here's one amazing francophone woman, Louise Mushikiwabo, Sécretaire Générale de l'OIF, pictured above. I had the honor to celebrate with the delegation of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie at an event last year in Washington D.C. and my husband snapped this photo of us together.


Here are three important Senegalese women you can discuss with your students with a focus on art, history, and fashion. Their stories are rich, and multi-layered, but this will give you a little introduction. To integrate more Senegalese resources in your classes for the Mois de la Francophonie, feel free to subscribe and enjoy my YouTube playlists, curated by theme:

Urban artist in her Senegal studio
Zeinixx at Africulturban greets the Vive French teachers

Zeinixx aka Dieynaba Sidibé is known as Senegal’s first female graffiti artist. She promotes social equality, democratic rights, and urban art. If you join our trips to Senegal, you'll have a chance to meet with her, ask questions, and see her amazing artwork in the studio and around town. Vive and our 2024 French teachers met with her at Association Africulturban at the Centre Léopold Sédar Senghor in Dakar. This video will help you know her better.  

Aline Sitoé Diatta: This young woman from Casamance, Senegal was a resistance leader against the French colonialists. Her image is iconic and her message of resistance is timeless. She was also known for miracles, such as making it rain. Here’s an article in English, and here’s an excerpt from an IFAN scholar at the Université Cheikh Anta Diop.

Oumou Sy is a contemporary fashion and costume designer. She not only does amazing creations for Senegalese films and celebrities, she was recently a designer for the Good as Gold exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art. She founded the first Internet café in Senegal, which personally provided me with a digital connection to friends and family when we lived in Senegal as newlyweds many years ago. Here’s an interesting article in English, and here’s a video with Oumou Sy explaining all about Senegalese boubous, classic Senegalese robes, and their origins.


Are you a French teacher who also teaches Spanish? If yes, click here to learn about a unique opportunity to explore Catalunya through a Spanish immersion teacher experience.

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Wishing you a Happy Spring and Ramadan Mubarak.

Learn. Experience. Connect.


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